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Upcoming Trainings


The Office of Information Technology and the P.R.O.F. Center offer several technology and pedagogy training sessions. Simply login with your TAMIU credentials in order to see a more detailed schedule and description of the training sessions that are being offered right now.

For questions on technology trainings, contact the eLearning team at (956) 326-2792 or at

On-Demand Trainings

Contact the eLearning team if you would like to learn more or register for an on-demand training.

Applying the Quality Matters Rubric (APPQMR)
Designing Your Online Course (DYOC)
Improving Your Online Course (IYOC)
Teaching Online: An Introduction to Online Delivery (TOL)
Bridge to Quality: A QM Online Course Design Guide

Blackboard Features (Tests, Assignments, Grade Center, Discussions, Announcements, Attendance)

Quality Matters YouTube Videos Blackboard Videos VoiceThread Workshops
Echo360 Workshops VoiceThread Workshops Association of Collge and University Educators

Upcoming Trainings

to self-enroll for any of the trainings.
ISNDateTitleLocationSeats AvailableOpen ForDescription
929412/11/2024 10:00:00 AMBb Ultra: Gradebook ManagementWebinar30FacultyUse the Gradebook to record students' grades, and monitor students' progress. In addition, this dynamic and interactive tool helps you understand student progress and make informed decisions on how to improve educational performance.
929512/12/2024 10:00:00 AMBb Ultra: Gradebook ManagementWebinar29FacultyUse the Gradebook to record students' grades, and monitor students' progress. In addition, this dynamic and interactive tool helps you understand student progress and make informed decisions on how to improve educational performance.

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